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          as the resulting Diaspora communities.              the spaces in which to share their experiences safely
          For that we need to bring forward the insights of the   with free of institutional constraints and the most
          scholars, civil society groups, and art practitioners, as   importantly  these  opportunities  provides  a  sense
          well as interdisciplinary collaborations related to the   of safety for discussions about human rights abuses
          artistic field.                                     too.
                                                              Further  the  cultural  and  artistic  projects  also
                 As Sri Lankans we believe that the horror we
                                                              have the potential  to arouse  powerful reactions
          have lived through will not be repeated, as it feels us
                                                              among the audience to the effects of human rights
          as we were in a nightmare, an error, a bad dream and
                                                              violations on the lives of victims in ways that other
          better quickly forgotten. What has overtaken us that
                                                              forms  of  communication  do  not  have  that  effect,
          we forget so easily?
                                                              such as official truth commission reports. By linking
                 But on the contrary, memory and imagination   individual  and  personal  experiences  to  collective
          complement  each  other  since  they  allow  us  to   narratives, cultural and artistic projects can capture
          represent  what  has  already  passed  and  what  one   public attention, trigger empathy and foster dialogue
          day might occur where the arts can play a major role   better  than  the  recommendations  provided  by  a
          in enlightening us about the things we went wrong,   report as mentioned as the truth commission report.
          missed  opportunities,  wrong  calculations  and  bad
                                                                     As an example we can take the Afghanistan’s
          decisions etc.
                                                              participatory   theatre   oriented    transitional
                 As an example we can take the Miguel Rubio   justice  process  which  has  opened  up  spaces  for
          Documentary  Theater  as  a  Transitional  Justice   communities,  particularly  victims,  to  share  their
          mechanism,  even  though  it  has  been  twenty  years   stories  and  construct  collective  meanings.  This
          since Yugoslavia’s worst nightmare, the painful past,   space  has  particularly  been  given  importance  to
          unresolved  grievances,  and  social  trauma  are  still   the absence of transitional justice measures in the
          very much present in the region.                    Afghan context. And which also can provide spaces
                                                              for gender equality where approximately 80 percent
                 Bosnia  and  Herzegovina  can  also  be  taken
                                                              of the initial theatre participants were women. The
          as an example and since the end of war in 1995, it
                                                              theatre productions have enabled memory and truth-
          has  undergone  a  post-conflict  transitional  process
                                                              seeking,  in  different  forms  than  other  transitional
          involving  immense  economic,  political,  and  social-
                                                              justice mechanisms. Participants can present their
          cultural  reconstruction.  Today,  it  is  an  ethnically
                                                              stories simultaneously, enabling multiple narratives
          divided  country,  and  national,  ethnic  and  religious
                                                              to  be  heard.  While  theatre  provides  the  spaces  to
          divisions  represent  an  obstacle  to  its  political,
                                                              express  feelings  of  fear,  anger,  pain  and  suffering,
          economic and social development.
                                                              but there are risks that re-enacting such narratives
                 Also  Serbia  suffers  from  its  “indirect”   could be traumatic for participants.
          involvement in        the  wars  and  appalling
                                                                     Another  example  for  cultural  and  artistic
          socioeconomic  and  political  conditions.  Similar  to
                                                              interventions  which  can  also  amplify  the  work  of
          Bosnia and Herzegovina, it is going through a process
                                                              other transitional justice mechanism is 80’s Rewind
          of dealing with the past with no formal transitional
                                                              festival  in  South  Africa.  It  was  an  art  installation
          justice mechanisms established.
                                                              created to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the
                   Over  the  past  twenty  years  and  under   South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
          these   circumstances,   many   grassroots   arts-  Documents  from  the  Commission  were  portrayed
          based  projects  have  been  developed.  One  of  these   in the connection through the use of seven screens
          innovative, informal, or “unofficial projects,” has been   and music, drawing on emotive sounds and symbols.
          documentary  theater,  which  serves  to  artistically   Audiences  were  encouraged  physically  to  engage
          express issues often repressed by the governments.   with the artwork through seeing and hearing it. The
          These projects can help form social bonds between   personal stories were activated to take on collective
          people  by  bringing  to  the  fore  commonly  shared   significance.  But  the  exhibits  raised  questions,
          experiences, spreading awareness about the suffering   regarding  of  selecting  certain  testimonies  where
          of the families of victims and of the communities that   they  have  reinterpreted  and  performed  other
          grieve for them, and inviting communities to engage   people’s stories which can be a negative side of using
          with each other.                                    these artifacts.
                 They can comprise more accessible forms of          Furthermore  artistic  projects  can  also  be
          transitional justice and also they may afford victims   created  specifically  for  diaspora  communities.
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