Page 78 - MDSL Final
P. 78


                                     Mumbai Attack
        With  the  increase  of  large  and  small  container  transfer  in  the  sea,
        proliferation of WMD is a concern in ensuring maritime security. Despite
        of  introduction  of  various  international  regulating  mechanism  and
        container security initiatives, terrorist may resort to transport WMD in
        container through sea ports.

        Drug Trafficking and Gunrunning

        The  IOR  is  highly  vulnerable  for  the  scourge  of  small  arms  and  light
        weapons  smuggling.  Further, the huge size of  the ocean area has
        become a challenge to conduct policing  activities. The famous world
        drug dealing regions of ‘Golden Crescent’ and the ‘Golden Triangle’  are
        also situated in IOR and this has opened gateways to the arms and drug
        dealers. The Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal are being extensively
        used to transfer the illegal commodities by the drug traffickers. Though
        local statistics indicate that the annual consumption of heroin by addicts
        is minimal, apprehensions made during an year at ports, airports and on
        fishing vessels is significant and alarming.

        60   To Nurture a Stable Environment at Sea
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