Page 113 - MDSL Final
P. 113


            The  Aim  of  Allied  plan  for  the  ground  phase  of  Operation
            OVERLORD is to direct every military operation towards a clearly
            defined, decisive and attainable objectives. The objectives must
            directly, quickly  and  economically  contribute to  the purpose
            of the operation. Each operation must contribute to strategic
            aim  and  objectives.  Actions  that  do  not  contribute  directly
            to achieving the aim and objectives should be avoided. At a
            macro-level, the US strategic objective was to ‘defeat Germany
            first’.  By  today’s  definitions,  OVERLORD  was  essentially  a
            campaign  plan  that  had  both  strategic  and  operational  aim
            and objectives. Despite the magnitude of OVERLORD (aimed
            at  an  unconditional  defeat  of  Germany)  and  the  numerous
            tactical  operations  that  it  would  require;  the  campaign  plan
            stated the commander’s intent clearly, simply and succinctly.
            The understanding conveyed to subordinate commands would
            enable  confidence,  encouraged  freedom  of  manoeuvre  and
            ultimately  be  key  to  both  operational  and  tactical  success.
            Eisenhower wrote a simple and inclusive order for OVERLORD;
            ‘Land on the Normandy coast. Build up the resources needed for
            a decisive battle in the Normandy-Brittany region and breakout
            of the enemy’s encircling positions.’

        Maintenance of Morale

        Morale is a factor, which bears on the human element in war. It is the
        general spirit or state of mind of a group of people as reflected by their
        behaviour under all conditions. High morale engenders courage, energy,
        cohesion, endurance, steadfastness, determination and a bold, offensive
        spirit.  Good  leadership,  thorough  training  and  success  on  operations
        will all contribute to high morale. Actions taken directly or indirectly to
        destroy the enemy’s morale are an important means of reducing the
        enemy’s combat effectiveness.

                                                To Nurture a Stable Environment at Sea  95
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