Page 116 - MDSL Final
P. 116


               Although  the D-Day invasion  was  the most massive
               amphibious  assault  ever  conducted,  the  principle of
               economy of force would actually be applied in many ways
               during OVERLORD.

               Economy of force measures were applied before, during
               and after D-Day. In the months prior to the invasion, the
               Allies began to work closely with the French resistance.
               Teams of two officers (British or American) and a radio
               operator were dropped  all  over  France to train  French
               Resistance fighters. Several groups of Special Air Service
               (SAS)  men  also  parachuted  into  France  with  jeeps  to
               undermine German lines of communication.

               The British Special Operations Executive (SOE) supplied
               the  resistance  at  night  with  airdrops  in  remote  fields
               temporarily lit by torch at the sound of aircraft. With the
               assistance of these small teams, the resistance would play
               a vital role prior to and after D-Day by sabotaging bridges,
               railways,  and  telephone  lines,  assassinating  German
               officers,  and  providing  targeting  information  and  other


        Sustainability  refers  to  the support  arrangements  necessary to
        implement strategies and operational plans. These arrangements include
        those personnel efforts and logistics necessary for the efficient support
        of  a  force  committed  to  operations.  The  principle  of  sustainability  is
        considered as an element of maritime power itself, especially a base
        at which all the material necessary to equip a ship and prepare ship’s
        company  for  sea  is  located.  It  comprises  with  training  institutions,
        logistics,  repair  and  maintenance  facilities  and  medical  services  that
        necessary to enhance operational abilities and support the war fighting
        for maritime forces.

        98   To Nurture a Stable Environment at Sea
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