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        piracy regime. Further, the SUA Convention to deal with modern type
        of terrorist activities took initiative to update the existing convention
        more comprehensively to address the new form of maritime terrorism
        including proliferation of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons and
        use of ship as a weapon. 74

        The International Ship and Port Facility Security Code

        The International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code in 2004 has
        led  to  change  the  entire  maritime  security  concerns  and  uphold  the
        standard of maritime community to appreciate the new security situation
        after 9/11 incident in the USA. IMO initiated new International security
        standard and practices for all concerned in maritime transportation since
        01st July 2004. In this initiative, IMO has reinforced SOLAS Convention
        by including ISPS Code as an amendment to Chapter XI. The ISPS Code
        introduces comprehensive security  requirements to be implemented
        by  governments,  port  authorities  and  shipping  companies  including
        SOLAS vessels in Part-A as a mandatory requirement to comply with and
        in  Part-B it introduces  guidelines  to meet the security requirements.
        The ISPS Code is the widely accepted international convention which
        addresses  the  maritime  security  and  especially  against  the  maritime
        terrorism. 75

        Rules of Engagement (ROE)

        ROE are legal and political parameters on the use of force. They are likely
        to be specific to particular operations and will be governed by LOAC,
        domestic law, and political considerations. There may be valid political
        reasons for limiting the use of lawful force and by defining the degree and
        manner in which force is to be used. ROE ensure that commanders know
        the constraints they are acting under. Commanders are not permitted
        to exceed these levels of delegation without higher command approval,
        but the right of self-defence remains the implicit prerogative of every
        commanding officer or individual. However, ROEs are not intended to
        assign specific tasks or tactical instructions. 76

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