Page 199 - MDSL Final
P. 199

        Tactical Logistics

        Focuses on planning and support within and among operating units of
        the task force or battle group by drawing up of resources made available
        at  the  operational  level.  The  tactical  level  support  functions  include
        maintenance,  battle  damage  repair,  engineering,  cargo  handling,
        fuelling, arming, moving, sustaining, materiel transhipment, personnel
        and health services.

                      Naval Logistics in War - The SLN Experience

              SLN has a good experience in Naval Logistics. During the
              three decade war SLN logisticians performed their duties
              well  to  meet  the  operational  requirement  in  the  battle
              field.  SLN  had  to  acquire  most  of  essential  war  materiel
              from  outside  sources  from  the  7.62mm  ammunition  to
              heavy guns and stores. The pace at which the items had
              to be supplied and replenished was a critical factor in the

              The distribution of the acquired or purchased items also
              falls at the hands of the logisticians. War materiel, mainly;
              victualling items, medical facilities, training aids and spares
              for maintenance had to be distributed to the end users out
              of which most of them were in the battle front with no land
              access. The transportation of items had to be coordinated
              with sea convoys scheduled to operate from Trincomalee.
              Some of the critical items needed with urgency had to be
              air  lifted  with  the  assistance  of  SLAF  from  their  Base  in
              Colombo or Anuradhapura.

              During  ‘Hunter  Killer  Operation’  where  SLN  in  an
              unprecedented  hunt,  destroyed  the  adversary’s  floating
              warehouses thousands of miles away from the coast, SLN
              used its units in the Auxiliary fleet to replenish the Task
              Force with fuel and water at a predetermined location in
              high seas.

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