Page 212 - MDSL Final
P. 212

        To  evaluate  equipment  condition,  predictive  maintenance  utilises
        non-destructive testing technologies such as infrared, acoustic (partial
        discharge and airborne ultrasonic), corona detection, vibration analysis,
        sound level measurements, oil analysis, and other specific online tests.
        MTTU has enabled SLN to take advantages of latest global technological
        trends in maintenance strategies to optimize life of machinery at a least
        maintenance cost without compromising  reliability. In  2017,  the unit
        was re-located at SLNS Mahasen, Welisara in collaboration with Central
        Non Destructive Testing Unit (CNDTU) under the direct supervision of
        Naval Headquarters. Today, MTTU has earned the credit of becoming
        one of the leading machinery condition laboratories in Sri Lanka.

                Oil Wear Down Analysis                                 Vibration Data Recording

        Chemical  Biological  Radiological  and  Nuclear  (CBRN)  First  Response

        The aim of establishing a dedicated CBRN First Response Organisation
        within SLN in 2017 is to take protective measures in situations where
        CBRN  hazards/emergencies  which  can  occur  in  major  ports/harbours
        and in territorial waters. Initially four teams were located at Colombo,
        Trincomalee, Galle and Kankasanthurei harbours respectively with NBCD
        qualified officers and sailors.

        With  the  establishment  of  CBRN  First  Response  Organisation,  SLN
        became  a  key  stake  holder  of  National  Authority  for  Implementing
        Chemical  Weapons  Convention,  Sri  Lanka  Atomic  Energy  Regulatory

        192  To Nurture a Stable Environment at Sea
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