Page 261 - MDSL Final
P. 261

        An Amphibious Raid

        A type of amphibious operation involving swift incursion into or temporary occupation
        of an objective followed by a planned withdrawal.

        An Amphibious Withdrawal

        A type of amphibious operation involving the extraction of forces by sea in ships or
        craft from a hostile or potentially hostile shore.

        Asymmetric Warfare

        Unconventional strategies and tactics adopted by a force when the military capabilities
        of belligerent powers are not simply unequal but are so significantly different that they
        cannot make the same sorts of attacks on each other.

        Gradual  but,  steadily  destruction  of  enemy’s  war  fighting  capabilities  in  order  to
        degrade the war-waging ability.

        These ships are specifically designed to support other ships with limited self-sustainment
        capacity. They carry and have the ability to lift personnel, deliver provisions, general
        stores and they deliver and receive fuel.

        Barrier Operations

        Conducted where geography and/or oceanography combine to create a focal area that
        can be closed to an adversary.

        Biomedical Engineering

        Biomedical  engineering  is  the  application  of  the  principles  and  problem  solving
        techniques of engineering to biology and medicine.


        An  operation  intended  to  disrupt  the  enemy’s  economy  by  preventing  ships  of  all
        nations  from  entering  or  leaving  specified  coastal  areas  under  the  occupation  and
        control of the enemy. Blockade is an act of war and the right to establish it is granted to
        navies under the traditional laws of war. This law requires, inter alia, that the blockade
        must be effective, that it is to be declared by the belligerent so that all interested
        parties know of its existence and that it is confined to ports or coasts occupied by the
        enemy. The expression is used more broadly to mean a combat operation carried out

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