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        materially to achieving success.


        Physically  destroying  of  enemy’s  war  fighting  capabilities  such  as  their  military
        hardware, troops, command and control facilities mostly by using military force.


        Preventing aggression by convincing a potential aggressor that the cost of coercion
        would be more than its likely gain.


        An  attribute  of  war  especially  due  to  the  environment  of  friction,  uncertainty  and
        fluidity  where  set  plans  will  be  ineffective,  instructions  and  information  will  be
        distorted,  misunderstood  and  communication  will  be  failed  resulting  mistakes  and
        unpredicted events will take over the arranged plans.

        Disputed Sea Control

        Disputed sea control occurs when the opposing sides possess roughly equal capabilities
        and opportunities to obtain sea control in a theatre as a whole (or in one of its parts) and
        there is no significant change in the ratio of forces, nor change of the initiative to either
        side. Disputed sea control often occurs in the initial phase of a war. It is characterized
        by an almost continuous struggle for control of certain sea or ocean areas.

        The  actions  of  the  enemy  to  disturb  and  unable  the  effective  function  of  the
        cohesiveness of the troops in combat.

        Convincing another state by diplomatic means without the threat or use of force to
        abstain from carrying out certain actions that are harmful to own interest.
        Diving Tender

        A small craft that utilized for Diving and Salvage operations.


        Fundamental  principles  by  which  military  forces  guide  their  actions  in  support  of
        objectives. It is authoritative but requires judgment in application.

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