Page 279 - MDSL Final
P. 279

        Sea Control

        Condition in which one has freedom of action to use the sea for one’s own purposes
        in specified areas and for specified periods of time and, where necessary, to deny or
        limit its use to the enemy. Sea control includes the airspace above the surface and the
        water volume and seabed below.

        Sea Denial

        Partially or completely denying the adversary the use of the sea with a force that may
        be insufficient to ensure the use of the sea by one’s own forces.

        Sea Lines of Communication (SLOC)

        The sea routes that connect an operating military force with one or more bases of
        operations  and  along  which  supplies  and  reinforcements  move.  The  expression  is
        sometimes  used  more  broadly  in  a  strategic  sense  to  include  commercial  shipping


        The movement of resources between points by carriage in shipping.

        Search and Rescue Region (SAR)
        Area  demarcated  internationally  to  maritime  states  for  the  purpose  of  search  and

        The measures taken by a command  to  protect itself  from espionage,  sabotage,
        subversion, observation or surprise.

        Creating the conditions for mission success.

        Shore Support

        The logistic support mechanism which is established to provide service facilities such as
        bases and supply units, private contractors involve in both domestic and international.

        Specified Task

        In the context of joint operation planning, a task that is specifically assigned to an
        organisation by its higher headquarters.

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