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        arrangement of potential actions in time and space that will allow the realisation of
        that future.
        Network Centric Operations

        The  style  of  operations  that  can  be  undertaken  by  a  networked  force  where  the
        automatic and rapid transfer of information enables the most effective use of combat
        power and takes place when the force can operate as a single virtual network.

        Network Centric Operations

        Defined as networking and combination of present tactics, techniques, and procedures
        fully or partially in order to achieve advantage over adversaries. It is an information
        superiority which generates increased combat power by networking sensors, decision
        makers,  information  and  operational/tactical  levels  to  achieve  shared  awareness,
        increased speed of command, high tempo of operations, greater lethality, increased
        survivability, and a degree of self-synchronisation.

        Network Management Centre
        Centre established  for operation and management of data and telecommunication
        network, including, Microwave Links, Wide Area Network and Local Area Network.


        The  clearly  defined,  decisive,  and  attainable  goal  toward  which  every  operation  is
        directed. The specific target of the action taken which is essential to the commander’s
        Oceanic Resources

        All living and non-living resources in the ocean. Energy resources such as minerals and
        all living resources.

        Offensive Action
        The  action  taken  against  the  enemy  to  gain  and  retain  the  initiative.  In  most
        circumstances, such action is essential to the achievement of victory. When offensive
        action  is  required,  it  must  be  swift,  decisive  and  should  be  directed  towards  the
        achievement of the end state. Offensive action is not limited to the application of force
        but  encompasses  the  proactive  use  of  non-kinetic  capabilities  such  as  information
        dominance and influence.

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