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Futuristic Framework
The technological advancement of navies worldwide is achieved through the integration of
Artificial Intelligence (AI), automation, satellite-based applications, smart and secure IT options Table 11.7
etc. The future force of SLN to be compatible with the latest technology and without the support Futuristic Framework
of international partners this may not be a reality. The collaborative training programmes with
international partners with National Defence College (NDC), Defence Services Command and Area of 2024-2030 2030-2035 2035-2040
Staff College (DSCSC), General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University (KDU), Naval and Interest
Maritime Academy (NMA) and other training institutes have shown progressive improvement. Partnerships Need to augment the limited Participation in majority of A credible
The collaboration with more international partners to seek knowledge transfer is one of the key and naval participation in international international engagements stakeholder in
focuses. The military technology is rarely shared even among partners. Accordingly, future diplomacy engagements the Indian Ocean
collaboration with international partners to leverage shared capabilities and expertise depends on New placements of DAs
how best we strategize our maritime forces and other agencies. Strengthen Workout 73 maritime related Enhanced Harnessing
diplomatic ties MOUs and agreements diplomatic ties mutual benefits
Explore Joint Ventures for the Procurement and Maintenance of Naval Assets with maritime already signed. More number of ship visits Increased two
Initiate MOUs with India,
Procurement and maintenance of naval assets are costly affairs necessitating partner counters and Indonesia, France, Pakistan, way ship visits
joint ventures aiming for the common good. A futuristic framework is required for strategizing Russia etc.
current and future acquisitions. The Australian Border Force supported the SLN force optimization Engage in joint Accept CMF invitation for Participation in CMF and Joint patrols with
as a joint venture donating two Bay class ships and continuing their support for post-delivery patrols and combine patrol from 2024. UN missions (ships and interoperability
maintenance on a goodwill basis. US Coast Guard has already donated three ships after exercise with Continue Exercises, MILAN, men)
refurbishing to augment the SLN fleet capability with Follow On Technical Support (FOTS). India regional navies SLINEX, etc. Limited joint patrols
has always supported SLN fleet augmentation through the provision of ships, sensors and weapons
along with numerous technical assistances. China has always supported SLN efforts through the Participate in Participate for ReCAAP, Represent all maritime Presents SLN as
donation of ships and other military assets followed by technical assistance. Pakistan supported international IORA, IONS, RIMPAC forums in IOR a valuable
SLN through the provision of weapons and ammunitions including technical assistance. The forums MAHASAGAR etc. stakeholder
defence dialogues and Navy-to-Navy staff talks are arranged through diplomatic channels and the addressing More participants for Galle within Indo-
exchange of Subject Matter Experts Exchanges (SMEEs) in various fields is ongoing. The sharing maritime Dialogue Pacific region
of information and MDA has augmented with the establishment of Information Fusion Centre security
(IFC) Colombo and which in turn enhanced the capabilities of MRCC Colombo. A wide range of International Get the Australia, China, More partners/donors etc. More partners
international support is required for maintaining an operational fleet and other supporting collaboration India and US etc. assistance
operations. Thus, exploring joint ventures for the procurement and maintenance of naval assets for force for force optimization Assets and capabilities Assets and
require a more futuristic realization of the maritime surrounding. optimization Develop the sensor and maintain as closer to capabilities
weapon capabilities of forecasted plan maintain as per
OPVs, (At least self-defence forecasted plan
Collaboration Develop the capacity of IFC, Independent IFC and Independent IFC
with MRCC, Maritime Security MRCC operation outside and MRCC
international School (MSS) NHQ (lead by navy) operations
partners to Exchange of SMEE and Upgraded to latest Upgraded to
shared VBSS, Advanced Baoding, latest technology
capabilities SF training, UNODC etc.
and expertise
Explore joint Coast Guard Cutter (US) Two-way collaboration Two way
ventures for Multi-Purpose Vessel (Grant with France (Reunion collaboration
the from China) island) and other potential with All possible
procurement Australia (spare parts for Bay maritime nations likeminded
Export/Military Sale
maintenance of India (Floating Dock, ships, (African market -IPCs)
naval assets spare etc.)
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