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 Training and Development   Scheme of Training

 The  global defence  and security  environment continue  to  evolve  with great uncertainty  and   In  achieving the overall objectives of the  training  mentioned above,  the  training  of SLN is
 inherent unpredictability, but the trends point towards an increasing importance of the maritime   projected through the following main approaches;
 domain as ocean politics intensify particularly in the IOR. This dynamic maritime environment
 requires a persistent, forward, and integrated all-domain naval force. The SLN maintains a naval   ●   Internationalized level of professional training.  SLN personnel perform duties
 force that is always ready to control our maritime domain and protect our national interests against   and responsibilities not only within the national jurisdictions but also beyond the
 existing and emerging  threats.  Alongside the naval  partners, SLN  as  a  responsible  maritime   limits when conducting missions and operations at high seas. Moreover, they are
 custodian  in the international arena to  maintain a  reassuring  deterrent  presence  in the IOR,   supposed  to undertake  the diplomatic  role at  sea  when  engaging  with foreign
 defending our Nation’s interests and keeping the seas open for global economic prosperity.   counterparts. Hence, the professional training has to be up to the global standards
                                 to meet the challenges at sea. Such professional training is sub categorized under
 Training is the foundation for ensuring that the Officers and Sailors are prepared to meet the many   tactical, operational and strategic levels to provide required knowledge for the SLN
 evolving dynamic maritime challenges that will test our determination, understanding and skills.   personnel at each level. The institutions and the type of training planned under these
 An  adaptive  and  flexible training  system is  demanded  for this  environment that  supports  the   categories are discussed under separate heading.
 generation of operational excellence. The role of naval training is to provide individuals with
 professional knowledge and skills such that they can be integrated into teams, which themselves   ●   Proficiency in high tech developments.   A navy is primarily a platform-biased
 are then integrated into capability as part of operational units. To achieve this, a training continuum   service where the major roles are undertaken at sea depends on the nature and the
 is recognized as consisting of individual training and education, operational training and collective   efficiency  of  the platform  assigned. Therefore,  technological  advancement is  a
 training.                       highly demanding aspect of a navy being naval forces relies heavily on machineries,
                                 weapon systems, sensors  and  equipment.  Hence,  in  parallel  to  the professional
 The SLN will take an integrated approach to improve naval training and prioritize programs that   developments of  individuals it  is  mandatory  to  incorporate latest  technological
 are critical for a competitive advantage. The SLN provides a range of learning opportunities for   advancements and innovations to the naval force.
 Officers and Sailors to further develop professional competencies and intellectual skills that enable
 us to respond to present and emerging maritime security challenges effectively. Naval education   ●   Joint/ combined  operational training.  Due  to  the increasing complexity of
 curricula, research,  and experiential learning all contribute  to  the  total force’s professional   traditional and non-traditional maritime security and safety challenges, no single
 development and  all  need  to  continuously  evolve to ensure that naval personnel have the   agency is capable of ensuring maritime security of a nation alone. Therefore, SLN
 competencies to succeed  against these  challenges.  Our Nation’s maritime  defence  requires   capacity building is focused towards joint/ combined training with both local and
 attracting talented individuals and developing the most professional, strategic-minded, critical-  foreign stakeholders and to develop close cooperation and regional initiatives with
 thinking,  innovative  and adaptive  naval forces  in  the region. To  sharpen professionalism and   counterparts when addressing such challenges.
 maintain fighting efficiency a continuum of training and development programmes are conducted
 across the SLN. For Officers and Sailors, this means emphasizing the importance of professional   Future Training Design
 military education to cultivate the art and science of naval operations, deepen our knowledge of   Future training and capacity building of SLN is primarily focused on following areas to meet the
 history, seek opportunities to learn new skills and embrace new techniques and technologies to   overall objectives;
 face the challenges. Education opportunities also build trust and reinforce interoperability across
 the force, including the sister services and partner Naval Forces.
                          ●      Strength.  With the objective of rightsizing the cadre to 40,000 personnel by 2030,
                                 training will be designed proportionate to the existing cadre at a particular time.
 Building a  nation’s maritime  advantage  requires  SLN to  learn, apply and  exercise decisive   10% of the total cadre will be targeted to undergo training at a time. Such training
 judgment in difficult situations. Education and training are inextricably linked and complement   will not  include  type/  specific training  conducted by ships, establishments  and
 each other to develop both individual and collective competencies. The Officers and Sailors benefit   departments.
 from intellectual development, experiential learning and well-designed training. New technologies
 and the evolving maritime security environment, including disruptive changes in the conduct of   ●   Capabilities.  Training  will  be directed  to  achieve competencies  in modern
 naval operations, directly affect what we teach our force, how we provide that education, and the   technological  developments such  as  automation of systems,  application of AI,
 ways that we resource our programs. To succeed in deterring maritime threats and winning future   advancements in MDA and to strength the joint/ combined operations concept by
 naval operations, the SLN must improve naval education programmes, infrastructure, technology,   commencing joint  operations and  missions  with  regional navies and other
 systems, processes  and opportunities  to  ensure that  the SLN is  always  more prepared against   stakeholders. In addition, initiatives to be undertaken to develop simulator-based
 multiple maritime challenges.   training in maritime domain including ship handling, war gaming, Global Maritime
                                 Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) to provide wider range of training aspects to

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