Strategic & Doctrinal Publications
The Maritime Doctrine of Sri Lanka (MDSL) is the Sri Lanka Navy’s (SLN) capstone publication. It is a guide to understanding the unique nature of the SLN’s maritime power and the way in which it can be applied in pursuit of the national interests. MDSL shapes the broad contours of employment of maritime power and how the Navy goes about nurturing a stable environment at sea.

'NAVSTRAT-2030' is to be weighed in its purpose, scope and time horizon. This is our narrative, conceptualization, emanating from a conscious effort made from an understanding of the strategic environment, emerging domestic and global realities, long-term, short-term, major and minor, internal and external threats involved at synthesizing viable course of actions (ways) in the pursuit of national interests. Thus, this proposed roadmap for the SLN/ SLCG resonates our firm commitment towards assuring safety and security of our citizens preserving territorial integrity and sovereignty in an uncertain global environment and global complexities while ensuring freedom of navigation, trade and commerce as core necessities benefitting all in the region and beyond. This is our reorientation for a versatile, flexible and effective force where our men and women are the fundamental building blocks in the envisioned roadmap for 2030 and beyond.

Inspired through NAVSTRAT - 2030, the ‘Joint Maritime Air Operations in Sri Lanka’ strategic concept serves a dual purpose, providing direction in the pursuit of Jointness between SLAF and SLN and integration (organic function) of air assets in particular rotary wings and unmanned systems onboard surface vessels. The rationale to this approach is based on the realization of prioritizing ‘order of effect’ over ‘order of battle’. Application of this strategy in unison between SLAF and SLN will result in a paradigm shift of our defence, security outlook and architecture. Air power integration into the maritime environment will provide impetus to how MARSEC operations, HA/DR and SAR operations are executed in the island’s context.