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        close  cooperation  with  other  government  and  non-governmental
        agencies. Coincident of objectives, doctrine and resources usually result
        in synergies and force multiplication.

               The  principle  of  Cooperation  was  present  throughout
               Operation OVERLOAD from the planning to the execution
               of the operation.

               This  concept  was  embedded  in  General  Eisenhower’s
               mind  when he became  the Supreme  Commander  of
               the  European  Campaign  and  specifically  for  Operation
               OVERLORD he made sure it was present in all aspects; this
               is clearly evident in the command and control structure he

               Cooperation  was  also  demonstrated  in  subordinate
               echelons  during  planning  and  execution.  An  example  is
               in  the  Supreme  Commander’s  designation  of  General
               Montgomery  to  command  all  Armies  (British,  Canadian
               and US) for the initial phase of the operation and when
               the  German  Seventh  Army  exposed  themselves  to  be
               trapped when they attempted to counterattack to cut the
               Allies off in the Avranches. General Montgomery was able
               to take advantage of their mistake because he had unity
               of command. The objective of seizing Brittany ports was
               delayed to take advantage of the situation. General Bradley
               communicated with Field General Montgomery, who was
               still responsible for direction of operation pending the time
               the  Supreme  Commander  took  over  Tactical  Command
               on the continent. Bradley outlined his scheme with which
               the Field Marshal at once agreed. Plans where promptly
               worked out and orders issued. The ring of steel began to
               close around the trapped Seventh Army. In a retrospective
               look at the command and control organisation, it would be
               seen today as a lead nation and functional type command
               and control.

        102  To Nurture a Stable Environment at Sea
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