Page 128 - MDSL Final
P. 128

        The LOSC established the following maritime zones, each of which varies
        in the degree of exclusive rights and control afforded to a Coastal State:

                   •  Internal Waters.
                   •  Archipelagic Waters.
                   •  Territorial Sea.

                   •  Contiguous Zone.
                   •  Exclusive Economic Zone.
                   •  Continental Shelf.
                   •  High Seas.

                   •  International Seabed Area.

                                    Figure 8.1 – Maritime Zones

        The Baseline

        For purposes of both international and domestic law, the boundary line
        dividing the land from the ocean is called the baseline. The baseline is
        determined according to principles described in the 1958 United Nations
        Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone and the 1982
        LOSC  and  is  normally  the  low  water  line  along  the  coast,  as  marked
        on charts officially recognised by the coastal nation. However, straight
        baselines are used for measuring the breadth of the territorial sea where

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