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        The Exclusive Economic Zone

        The LOSC allows each coastal nation to establish an Exclusive Economic
        Zone  (EEZ)  adjacent  to  its  Territorial  Sea,  extending  a  maximum  of
        200nm seaward from the baseline. Within its EEZ, the coastal nation
        has sovereign rights for the purpose of exploring, exploiting, conserving
        and managing living and non-living resources, whether found in ocean
        waters,  the  seabed,  or  subsoil.    All  States  enjoy  the  rights  of  the
        freedom of navigation and over flight and of the laying of submarine
        cables and pipelines in an EEZ. Coastal States also have exclusive rights
        over establishment and use of artificial islands, installations and other
        such structures, conducting marine scientific research within their EEZs
        as per the Article 60 of LOSC with economic purposes. Coastal States
        provide  with  rights  and  responsibilities  in  relation  to  the  protection,
        conservation  and  management  of  the  living  and  non-living  resources
        in their EEZ. Measures that maybe employed to enforce the laws and
        regulations of the Coastal States include boarding, inspection, arrest and
        judicial proceedings. 68

                         Figure 8.2 – Delineation of Continental Shelf

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