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        has  the  right  to  temporarily  suspend  innocent  passage  after  due
        notification it cannot suspend or hamper archipelagic sea lanes passage.
        Warships can exercise archipelagic sea lanes passage in ‘normal mode’,
        which permits submarines to transit submerged.
        The Territorial Sea

        This is a band of water to seaward of the territorial sea baseline with a
        maximum permitted breadth of 12nm as laid down in Article 3 of LOSC.
        The Coastal State enjoys sovereignty over the Territorial Sea and it is
        under the control and jurisdiction of the Coastal State. All vessels enjoy
        the right of innocent passage through the Territorial Sea in accordance
        with Article 17 of LOSC. However LOSC does not require prior notification,
        foreign warships require prior notification as an authorization for the
        employment of innocent passage. Therefore Sri Lanka’s position is that
        prior notification or permission is required for foreign warships to the
        innocent passage. Coastal State has the right to prevent passage which
        is not innocent and to expel any vessel which fails to comply with the
        local regulations or the rules on innocent passage laid down in Article
        19 of LOSC.
        The Contiguous Zone

        The definition of the Contiguous Zone is laid down in Article 33 of LOSC.
        The zone may not extend beyond 24nm from the Territorial Sea baseline.
        If a Coastal State claims a Contiguous Zone, it may exercise the control
        necessary to prevent infringement of its custom, fiscal, immigration or
        sanitary laws and regulations within its territory or Territorial Sea and
        punish infringement of the above laws and regulations committed within
        its territory or Territorial Sea. The Coastal States do not have sovereignty
        over the Contiguous Zone; it only has certain sovereign rights. As such
        all ships have complete freedom of navigation through the Contiguous
        Zone  provided  there  conduct  does  not  infringe  the  customs,  fiscal,
        immigration and sanitary laws of the Coastal State. 67

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