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              •  Illegal sea-borne immigration like human smuggling.
              •  Drug trafficking.

        Network Centric Operations

        The term ‘Network Centric Operations’ broadly defined as networking
        and  combination  of  present  tactics,  techniques  and  procedures  fully
        or  partially  in  order  to  achieve  advantage  over  adversaries.  It  is  an
        information  superiority  which  generates  increased  combat  power  by
        networking  sensors,  decision  makers,  information  and  operational/
        tactical levels to achieve shared awareness, increased speed of command,
        high tempo of operations, greater lethality, increased survivability and
        a degree of self-synchronisation. Network Centric Operations translates
        advantage  of  information  superiority  into  combat  operations  by
        efficient  and  effective  linking  of  all  inputs  among  the  fighting  forces.
        This  will  provide  much  improved  awareness  and  common  operation
        picture  for  effective  decision  making,  deployment  of  forces  and  to
        adopt more effective tactics in order to bring early advantage of war.

                       Figure 9.2 –  Model of Network Centric Operations

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