Page 159 - MDSL Final
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        shore or base support. Reach is further advanced with the use of logistics
        supply ships. SLN also possesses a limited capacity of sustainability in
        reaching distances with the platforms available.


        Warships  are  designed  to  absorb  a  fair  amount  of  damage  before
        they become non-operational. However, crews of ships are trained to
        restore systems at least possible time to minimize the degradation of
        operational  performance  due  to  loss  of  capability  through  damage.
        Further,  all  officers  and  sailors  are  trained  to  perform  basic  tasks  on
        board ships/craft. SLN personnel have been groomed to restore systems
        expeditiously in the event that a ship/craft sustains damage or become

              SLNS Abeetha was originally a RO-RO (Roll on –Roll off ) ship
              acquired in 1984 which was converted to a military task and
              deployed  as  a  Surveillance  Command  Ship  (SCS)  with  the
              installation of a sophisticated surface search directing radar
              and other logistic features to support Fast Attack Craft (FAC)
              operating  in  the  Northern  area.  This  was  a  very  effective
              force multiplier for operations in the North which seriously
              jeopardised  the  activities  of  the  LTTE.  On  4th  May  1990
              around 0155hr  SLNS Abeetha was rammed by a suicide boat
              on its starboard side and the explosion resulted in extensive
              damages to the ship extending to approximately 80 feet and
              listing it 10-11 degrees to starboard due to flooding of ballast
              and fuel tanks  and the loss of nine lives. Prompt action taken
              by damage control teams headed by the Engineering staff
              acted with resilience  and saved the ship  from sinking by
              stabilising the ship, shifting its top weights and by restoring
              a few systems making it possible to be towed only with a 2
              degree list all the way from Point Pedro to Trincomalee.

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