Page 205 - MDSL Final
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        to repair, maintain harbour security systems, assistance to underwater
        construction,  underwater  photography,  underwater  video  graphic,
        lifesaving,  repair  and  maintenance  of  diving  equipment,  conducting
        diving training, underwater clearance of explosive or ordnance, search
        and rescue missions and conduct Recompression Chamber (RCC) tests
        and treatments.

        Command  Diving  unit  at Dockyard, Trincomalee is  the central  diving
        station facilitated with diving stores, repair workshop and recompression
        chamber facility. The two recompression chambers available have saved
        many patients suffering from decompression sickness while diving, from
        death or paralysis and this hyperbaric treatment facility is available only
        with SLN in Sri Lanka to date. During the conflict SLN divers played a major
        role in mine clearance operations especially when improvised sea mines
        were laid by the LTTE in the naval SLOC in shallow waters of the Jaffna
        peninsula. With the development of controlled mines, contact mines,
        limpet mines, moored mines and electronically operable contact mines
        by the enemy, the brave divers of SLN conducted clearance operations in
        trying conditions even in deep waters to safeguard the SLOC and provide
        a safe passage for the fleet.

        Salvage operations is another field in which naval divers displayed their
        professionalism especially after stranding, grounding, capsizing of vessels
        in cyclones, attacks by enemy and after the Tsunami in 2004. Even after
        the conflict, the divers contributed immensely to re-float vessels that
        were damaged/sunk by the enemy in harbours/harbour entrances to
        prevent them being hazardous to safe navigation.

        Divers carry out tremendous assistance to civil authorities as well. Being
        trained in water borne skills, divers are called upon by the Department of
        Irrigation for emergency repairs to sluice gates and clogging of reservoirs
        and  the local Police  for recovering remains  of  drowned  persons  and
        investigating underwater crimes.

        Research and Development Unit (RDU)

        With the realisation that SLN has the basic ingredients and potential
        to  implement  successful  research  and  development  projects,  an

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