Page 235 - MDSL Final
P. 235

        The Commander’s Role in Mission Analysis

        The commander’s role in guiding the planning team during this first step
        of the planning process cannot be overstated. While the commander’s
        close  involvement  is  imperative  throughout  the  NPP  to  ensure  the
        concept  unfolds  as  visualised,  the  commander’s  early  engagement
        shapes  all  subsequent  staff  planning  actions.  The  commander  is
        instrumental in framing the nature of the operation and providing the
        planning staff initial guidance. If planning is straightforward, although
        potentially  complex  and  something  the  commander  and  staff  have
        encountered before, the commander’s initial planning guidance might
        be easily crafted. Regardless of whether the situation has evolved over
        time or instantaneously, the commander has responsibility to guide the
        planning team.

        Commander’s Initial Planning Guidance

        The commander not only receives guidance and products from higher
        authority but is also responsible for developing initial planning guidance
        and initial commander’s intent to guide and focus planning. In order to
        do so, the commander assesses the situation based on HHQ direction
        and the view of the OE, understanding of the problem and operational
        approach. The commander also must consider the capabilities of the
        forces assigned/attached of their combat readiness, material support,
        unit morale, and other factors to accomplish the mission. This mental
        exercise can consist simply of the commander’s thoughts or can be a
        detailed analytical effort. Regardless, the commander develops a vision
        of the OE then; it helps to produce guidance to the planning team.

        Once  the  commander’s  assessment  is  completed,  the  commander
        should issue initial planning guidance before the staff begins mission
        analysis. Ideally, the commander personally issues this guidance to the
        staff, planning team, and subordinate commanders and seeks immediate
        feedback to ensure that the vision of the operational environment and
        guidance is understood. Depending on the time available, the commander
        may provide either general or specific guidance for the planning team,
        staff, and subordinate commanders to consider. It is critical to establish

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