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        compliance of international norms in navigation.

        The  Information  and  Communication  Technology  (ICT)  is  a  fastest
        developing  technology  and  in  this  digital  age the world  is  now
        considered  as  a  global  village.  In  this  context  SLN  should  positively
        seek  for  a  joint  monitoring  system,  information  sharing  system  and
        cross-border  collaboration  and  quick  response  system.  This  will  help
        timely announcement of significant events, disaster weather warning
        message, oceanic pollution message, piracy and maritime distress, basic
        meteorological information and emergency rescue approach for oceanic

        Maritime Intelligence

        After  the  end  of  protracted  conflict  in  Sri  Lanka  in  year  2009,  new
        maritime threats have emerged which are very complex and interwoven
        and  continue  to  evolve  in  various  forms  affecting  the  sustainable
        development of the country.  It is observed many incidents mainly; drug
        trafficking, human smuggling, maritime pollution and IUU fishing in the
        Sri Lankan waters. In most of such unlawful acts, perpetrators have used
        assymetric  tactics  to  acheive  their  objectives.  Therefore,  it  demands
        deployment of more assets at sea and the use of advance technology for
        real time information gathering in the maritime domain in order to have
        effective maritime surveillance. Also these gathered information need
        fusion  in logical sequence to convert them for maritime intelligence,
        where  vulnerabilities  can  be  identified  and  critical  issues  can  be
        addressed according to the priority and magnitude.

        The information may gather through collaboration with various sources
        mainly  from naval ships,  Coast Guard, coastal surveillance  sensors,
        structured and unstructured information through various other sources
        such as local Intelligence Services, Department of Fisheries and Aquatic
        Resources,  open  source  web  applications,  human  intelligence  and
        foreign intelligence. SLN is required to enhance the capability to integrate
        those  information  and  fusion  to  produce  intelligence  to  facilitate
        decision  makers  to  take  prompt  action.  Therefore,  establishment  of
        a  Maritime  Information  Fusion  System  with  modern  technology  will

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