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        and limitations, operational environmental restrictions and deployment
        limitations. This will provide naval planners for how best it can be used
        for collaborative approach and develop Concept of Operation (CONOP).

        Consideration  for  the  use  of  modern  assets  and  advance  technology
        for aerial surveillance is an important factor. The modern sensors such
        as Electro Optical and Infra-red cameras, Side-looking airborne radar,
        search radar, AIS transponder, Direction Finder, hyper spectral scanners,
        microwave  radio  meters,  VMS  and  new  communication  equipment
        with data links will facilitate maritime surveillance in many aspects and
        provide important information for the protection of all kinds of threats
        at sea. Thus, it is important to know the capabilities of these platforms
        in order to analyse and decide what aspects to be looked into when
        considering unique requirement.

        In the modern concept, use of UAV is a smart machine use for aerial
        reconnaissance.  This  reduces the huge  cost involvement for the
        surveillance operations and also increases the flexibility of operations.
        At the beginning it is important to have a conceptual transformation
        in  order  to  instil  the  positive  approach  and  subsequently  establish  a
        systematic way of developing and gradually reaching the desired level
        for aerial surveillance.

        Surveillance activities based on land sensors are limited by their coverage
        due to line of sight conditions and equipment capability. The airborne
        AIS  systems  are  introduced  to  cater  to  this  peculiar  limitation  and  a
        Maritime Patrol Aircraft fitted with an airborne AIS and AIS software
        application  can  effectively  carryout  a  surveillance  mission  covering  a
        large sea area of interest.

        The importance of aerial surveillance in maritime enforcement need to
        be identified and it is required to fill the gap with the use of appropriate
        mechanism with the balance and progressive development. Therefore,
        a gradual  process with   laid  down policies  and  clear  road  map for
        establishing aerial surveillance as a powerful means of gathering vital
        information will strengthen the maritime enforcement.

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