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        DS             Director Sports
        EEZ            Exclusive Economic Zone

        ENA            Eastern Naval Area
        ENDC           Electrical New Design Centre

        EPABX          Electronic Private Auto Branch Exchange
        ESM            Electronic Support Measures
        FAC            Fast Attack Craft

        FGB            Fast Gun Boat
        Flag I         Flag Lieutenant I to the Commander of the Navy

        FMV            Fast Missile Vessel
        FOCNF          Flag Officer Commanding Naval Fleet
        FOCNF          Flag Officer Commanding Naval Fleet

        FOP            Future Operation
        FOST           Flag Officer Sea Training
        HADR           Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief

        HHQ            Higher Headquarters
        HMCyS          Her Majesty’s Ceylon Ship
        HMS            Her Majesty’s Ship

        ICRC           International Committee of the Red Cross
        ICT            Information and Communication Technology

        IHL            International Humanitarian Law
        IMO            International Maritime Organisation
        IOR            Indian Ocean Region

        IPKF            Indian Peace Keeping Force
        IPOE           Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment

        ISBA           International Seabed Authority
        ISPS           International Ship and Port Facility Security (Code)
        ISR            Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance

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