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        IT             Information Technology
        IUU            Illegal Unreported and Unregulated Fishing

        JA             Judge Advocate
        JIPOE          Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment

        LOAC           Law of Armed Conflict
        LOSC           Law of the Sea Convention
        LTTE           Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam

        MDA            Maritime Domain Awareness
        MDSL           Maritime Doctrine of Sri Lanka

        Media Co       Media Coordinator and Naval Coordinator Media Centre for MOD
        MOD            Ministry of Defence
        MRCC           Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre

        MTTU           Machinery Testing and Trial Unit
        NA             Naval Assistant to the Commander of the Navy
        NAD            Naval Armament Department

        NARA           National Aquatic Resources Agency
        NATO           North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
        NBBY           Naval Boat Building Yard

        NBU            Naval Biomedical Unit
        NCNA           North Central Naval Area

        NEO            Non-combatant Evacuation Operations
        NHO            National Hydrography Office
        NMC            Network Management Centre

        NNA            Northern Naval Area
        NPP            Navy Planning Process

        NSP            National Security Policy
        NSS            National Security Strategy
        NWNA           North Western Naval Area

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