Page 293 - MDSL Final
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        OE             Operational Environment
        OOTW           Operations Other Than War

        OPLAN          Operation Plan
        OPORD          Operation Order

        OPT            Operational Planning Team
        OPV            Offshore Patrol Vessel
        PBED           Plan, Brief, Execute, Debrief

        PLC            Public Limited Company
        PM             Provost Marshal

        PPM            Planned Preventive Maintenance
        PSEC           Aide & Personal Secretary to the Commander of the Navy
        PSYOPS         Psychological Operations

        R&D            Research and Development
        RABS           Rapid Action Boat Squadron
        RABU           Rapid Action Boat Unit

        RCC            Recompression Chamber
        RDU            Research and Development Unit
        ROE            Rules of Engagement

        SAE            Service Assisted Evacuation
        SAR            Search and Rescue

        SAS            Special Air Service
        SBS            Special Boat Squadron
        Sec to CofN    Secretary to the Commander of the Navy

        SENA           South Eastern Naval Area
        SLA            Sri Lanka Army

        SLAF           Sri Lanka Air Force
        SLCG           Sri Lanka Coast Guard
        SLN            Sri Lanka Navy

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