Page 299 - MDSL Final
P. 299

        Defence in depth 150                Environmental doctrine   8

        Deployable     236                  Environmental security   54, 56
        Destruction    43, 64, 105, 107, 127,    Escalation   45, 46, 78, 163
                       128, 137, 196
                                            Espionage      101,
        Deterrence     44, 142
                                            Esprit de corps  73
        Diplomacy      64, 92, 122, 154, 159,
                       223, 225, 226, 228   Essential task   217, 218
        Diplomatic Role  154, 157           Established peace     30

        Disaster Response Unit   87         Ethos   14, 15, 20, 73, 227, 236, 238
        Disorder       39, 42, 49, 171      Evacuation operations   146, 147, 157

        Disputed sea control   131,         Exclusive Economic Zone  110, 113, 117
        Disruption     45, 122, 136, 137, 191  Exploitation   51, 55, 62, 63, 117,
                                                           126, 160
        Dissuasion     46
                                            Exploring      51, 113, 118
        Distinction    107, 130, 201
                                            Extra regional powers   52
        Diving tender   87
                                            Fleet in being   132
        Doctrine       1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13,
                       14, 15, 32, 36, 38, 68,    Flexibility    41, 103, 104, 140, 147,
                       69, 70, 71, 101, 102,               154, 155, 180, 205,
                       204, 224                            227, 232
        Driving tenant   24                 Fluidity  39, 41, 42

        Drug and contraband operations   163  Fog of war   40, 41
        Drug trafficking   60, 66, 138, 230, 231,    Force multiplication   102
                                            Force multiplier  88, 139, 141, 172, 235,
        Economy of effort     20, 97, 188                  238

        Electronic warfare    227           Force projection  227
        Embroilment    46                   Fragile peace   30,

        End state      99, 172, 202, 234    Freedom of the seas   122, 228
        Enemy’s core capabilities  40       Friction  39, 40, 4, 92, 103

        Energy resources      51            Functional doctrine   8

                                                To Nurture a Stable Environment at Sea  279
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