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        Absolute sea control   129          Attrition      43, 97, 132, 190
        Access  45, 80, 118, 124, 140, 150, 154,    Barrier operations   150
               179, 183, 224, 225
                                            Baseline       110, 111, 112, 113,
        Agility  61, 74, 227, 236                          114, 123, 124
        Aid to civil power      162         Belligerents   105

        Alliances      6, 35, 229           Blockade       132, 150
        Amphibious     14, 79, 81, 87, 98, 128,    Blue water   14, 53, 77, 226
                       129, 132, 133, 142,
                       146, 147, 148, 152   Boundary agreements   123, 124
        Amphibious assault    98, 147       Brown water    46, 81

        Amphibious demonstration     147    Campaign       70, 95, 101, 102,
                                                           105, 153, 177, 178,
        Amphibious operations   14, 79, 133,               200, 201, 202, 203
                                            Centre of gravity  184, 210, 211, 218
        Amphibious raid  147
                                            Centre of gravity analysis  201, 211
        Amphibious Ship  87
                                            Chartered shipping    183,
        Amphibious withdrawal  111
                                            Choke points   49, 150,
        Anti-smuggling and human trafficking
        Operations     147                  Clandestine    81, 119
        Archipelagic States   109, 111, 117  Coalitions    54, 229

        Archipelagic Waters   110, 111, 117  Coercion      44, 142
        Armed conflict   5, 61, 105, 106, 107,    Collective performance   73, 89
                       108, 148, 153
                                            Combat power  14, 41, 68, 71, 84,
        Assistance to foreign nations   157                99, 101, 138

        Asymmetric threats    128, 224      Combat preparedness   15
        Asymmetric warfare    81, 236       Combat readiness      31, 84, 215

        Attributes in War     39

                                                To Nurture a Stable Environment at Sea  277
   292   293   294   295   296   297   298   299   300   301   302