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        National interests    8, 10, 11, 51,    Physical component   68, 69, 73
                       52, 65, 70, 92, 105,
                       154, 223, 224        Poise   142, 147, 159
        National security objective      8, 10, 11,    Preserving sovereignty   11, 223
                       14, 154, 238
                                            Preventive diplomacy   159
        National security policy   8, 10, 12, 224,
                              238           Principles of war     17, 20, 69, 70,
                                                                  92, 94, 97
        National strategy   8, 10, 70
                                            Proliferation of nuclear   120
        Nation-states    9, 32, 38, 122
                                            Proportionality  107
        Naval Aviation   88, 233
                                            Protection of maritime trade    152
        Naval diplomacy       154, 225, 226,
                              228           Protection of offshore assets    162

        Navy Planning   153                 Quarantine enforcement  162
        Network centric operations          Reach and sustainment   183
                       45, 78, 138, 174, 227
                                            Regional powers       52, 54
        Non-combatant evacuation operations
        (NEO)          142, 157             Resilience     64, 74, 141

        Non-traditional threats   54, 65, 224,   Rules of Engagement (ROE)   120
        Nuclear waste   56                  Sabotage       101

        Oceanography   150                  Salvage operations    87, 156, 184,
        Operational art and design
                              201, 203      Scheme of manoeuvre   204
        Operational environment             Sea control    82, 128, 129, 130, 131,
                       202, 205, 209, 215,                 132, 149, 162, 164,
                       216, 232                            228, 233, 238
        Operations other than war           Sea denial     82, 131, 132, 149, 228
                       28, 33, 34, 36, 70
                                            Sealift  14, 142, 145, 182, 183
        Peace building operations           157
                                            Sea Lines of Communication (SLOC)
        Peace enforcement operations   148         49, 50, 51, 54, 58, 66, 90, 165,
                                                   167, 177, 182, 185, 231
        Peace keeping operations       158
                                            Search and rescue     62, 136, 159,
        Peace making operations        158                        185

        Persuasion and dissuasion     46    Seaworthiness  77

        282  To Nurture a Stable Environment at Sea
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