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        ABNJ          Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction
        AI            Artificial Intelligence

        AR            Augmented Reality

        AOPV          Advanced Offshore Patrol Vessel
        BBNJ          Marine Biological Diversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction

        BIMSTEC       Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical Economic Cooperation

        BRI           Belt and Road Initiative

        CMETSL        College of Military Engineering of Technology Sri Lanka

        CMF           Combine Maritime Force
        CPV           Coastal Patrol Vessel

        CS            Continental Shelf

        C4ISR         Command, Control, Communication, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance,

        DA            Defence Attaché

        DSCSC         Defence Services Command and Staff College

        EEZ           Exclusive Economic Zone
        FAC           Fast Attack Craft

        FGB           Fast Gun Boat

        FMF           Foreign Military Fund
        FMV           Fast Missile Vessel

        FOE           Future Operating Environment

        FOTS          Follow On Technical Support
        FPB           Fast Patrol Boat

        FPC           Fast Patrol Craft

        FPV           Fast Patrol Vessel

        GDP           Gross Domestic Product
        GoSL          Government of Sri Lanka

        HADR          Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief

        HDI           Human Development Index

        IAMSAR        International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue

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