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 ABBREVIATIONS     ICITAP        International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Programme

 ABNJ   Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction   IESL   Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka
 AI   Artificial Intelligence   IFC   Information Fusion Centre

 AR   Augmented Reality   IFWG   International Frigate Working Group

 AOPV   Advanced Offshore Patrol Vessel   IOIF   Indian Ocean Island Forum
 BBNJ   Marine Biological Diversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction   IONS   Indian Ocean Naval Symposium

 BIMSTEC   Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical Economic Cooperation   IOR   Indian Ocean Region

 BRI   Belt and Road Initiative   IORA   Indian Ocean Rim Association

 CMETSL   College of Military Engineering of Technology Sri Lanka   IPC   Inshore Patrol Craft

 CMF   Combine Maritime Force   IPESF   Indo Pacific Environmental Security Forum
 CPV   Coastal Patrol Vessel   ISG   Institute for Security Governance

 CS   Continental Shelf   ISPS   International Ship and Port Facility Security Code

 C4ISR   Command, Control, Communication, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance,   ISR   Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance
                   IUU           Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated
 DA   Defence Attaché
                   KDU           General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University
 DSCSC   Defence Services Command and Staff College   KLE   Key Leaders Engagement

 EEZ   Exclusive Economic Zone
                   LCM           Landing Craft Mechanized
 FAC   Fast Attack Craft
                   LCU           Landing Craft Utility
 FGB   Fast Gun Boat
                   LIMA          Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition
 FMF   Foreign Military Fund   LST   Landing Ship Tank
 FMV   Fast Missile Vessel   LTTE   Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam

 FOE   Future Operating Environment
                   MDA           Maritime Domain Awareness
 FOTS   Follow On Technical Support
                   MOD           Ministry of Defence
 FPB   Fast Patrol Boat
                   MOOTW         Military Operations Other Than War
 FPC   Fast Patrol Craft   MOU   Memorandum of Understanding

 FPV   Fast Patrol Vessel
                   MRCC          Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre
 GDP   Gross Domestic Product
                   MRRV          Multi-Role Response Vessel
 GoSL   Government of Sri Lanka
                   NAVSTRAT-2030         Proposal for Sri Lanka Navy’s Strategy 2030 and Beyond
 HADR   Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief   NDC   National Defence College

 HDI   Human Development Index   NIT   Naval Institute of Technology

 IAMSAR   International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue
                   NMA           Naval and Maritime Academy
                   NOSCOP        National Oil Spill Contingency Plan

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