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 OPV   Offshore Patrol Vessel                     EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

 PAT   Pacific Augmentation Team
 PCV   Pollution Control Vessel   The ‘Proposal for Sri Lanka Navy’s Strategy 2030 and Beyond’
                                 (NAVSTRAT-2030), is a comprehensive framework designed to
 PSO   Public Security Ordinance   address evolving maritime challenges while optimizing resources

 Quad   Quadrilateral Security Dialogue   for  national  security.  Maritime is  an all-encompassing word,
                                 including  everything  that is  associated  with the  sea. The terms
 RCEP   Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership   ‘naval’ and ‘maritime’ are not synonymous, navies are an integral

 ReCAAP   Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery   part  of maritime  affairs.  Within  it, their  work is  linked in two
 against Ships in Asia           directions. First, the navy is linked to the full range of activities in
                                 national defence; on the other, it is tied to the entire spectrum of
 SAARC   South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation   civil activities relating to the sea. A strategy is the comprehensive
                                 direction of all aspects of national power to achieve specific policy
 SAGAR   Security and Growth for All in the Region   goals by exercising some degree of control at sea. Therefore, this

 SAR   Search and Rescue         endeavour  mainly  deals with  how Sri  Lanka’s security  policy
                                 objectives can be achieved through the employment of naval power.
 SE   Strategic Environment      This  strategy emphasizes the  rightsizing of the  navy  to  align
 SDGs   Sustainable Development Goals   capabilities with strategic objectives. The document emphasises the
                                 importance of  maritime  security,  outlining  measures to  enhance
 SLA   Sri Lanka Army            maritime domain awareness, coastal surveillance and counter non-
                                 traditional  threats. A  central focus is  placed  on building naval
 SLAF   Sri Lanka Air Force
                                 capability  through  investments  in the much-valued human
 SLCG   Sri Lanka Coast Guard    resources, modern assets, infrastructure and fostering innovation.
                                 Domestic and regional stability  are  key  pillars, promoting
 SLOCs   Sea Lines of Communications   collaborations with neighbouring navies in various ways, such as

 SLN   Sri Lanka Navy            participation in regional initiatives, multi-lateral and bi-lateral joint
                                 exercises  are  of paramount importance. The  strategy aims  to
 SLNHO   Sri Lanka National Hydrographic Office   contribute  to economic  prosperity by safeguarding  SLOCs,

 SMEE   Subject Matter Experts Exchange   supporting efficient  maritime trade  and facilitating  infrastructure
                                 development. Environmental protection  is  prioritized, with
 SRR   Search and Rescue Region   commitments to  combat illegal  activities  endangering marine
                                 ecosystems. The rightsizing of the navy involves a comprehensive
 STEEPLEM  Social, Technological, Economy, Environmental, Political, Legal, Ethics, Military   review of assets, personnel, infrastructure and optimizing resources

 SWOT   Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats   to meet  operational  requirements  along with other stakeholders
                                 involved in protecting the national security. The strategy concludes
 UN   United Nations             with  a  commitment to  regular  monitoring, evaluation  and

 UNCLOS   United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea   adaptability, ensuring  a responsive and  formidable naval  force
                                 aligned with national security imperatives.
 UNCTAD   United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

 UNHRC   United Nations Human Rights Council
 UNODC   United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

 VBSS   Visit, Board, Search and Seizure

 VR   Virtual Reality

 VSS            Volunteer Special Scheme

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