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               Doctrine                                           70
               Conceptual Innovation                              71
        Moral Component                                           72
               Moral Cohesion                                     72
               Motivation                                         73
               Leadership                                         73
        Physical Component                                        73
               Manpower and Training                              73
               Equipment                                          84
               Collective Performance                             89
               Sustainability                                     90
               Readiness                                          90

        CHAPTER 7

        PRINCIPLES OF WAR                                         92

        Selection and Maintenance of the Aim                      94
        Maintenance of Morale                                     95
        Concentration of Force                                    96
        Economy of Effort                                         97
        Sustainability                                            98
        Offensive Action                                          99
        Security                                                  101
        Cooperation                                               101
        Surprise                                                  103
        Flexibility                                               103

        CHAPTER 8

        LEGAL CONTEXT                                             105

        Legal Context of War                                      105
        The Law of Armed Conflict                                 106
        International Humanitarian Law                            108
        The Law of Naval Warfare                                  108
        The International Law of the Sea                          109
               Introduction on Ocean Jurisdictions and
               the Generation of Maritime Zones                   109

                                                To Nurture a Stable Environment at Sea  viii
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