Page 15 - MDSL Final
P. 15

               Identify Critical Requirements                     212
               Identify Critical Vulnerabilities                  212
               Identify Decisive Points                           213
        Mission Analysis                                          214
               The Commander’s Role in Mission Analysis           215
               Commander’s Initial Planning Guidance              215
               Review Commander’s Initial Planning Guidance       216
               Receive Intelligence Preparation of
               the Operational Environment Briefing               216
               Analyse the Higher Commander’s Mission
               and Intent                                         216
               Determine Specified, Implied, and Essential Tasks   217
               Determine Critical Factors, Friendly
               Centre of Gravity and Decisive Points              218
               Develop Proposed Updates to Commander’s Intent 218
               Develop Commander’s Critical
               Information Requirements                           219
               Warning Orders                                     219
        Course of Action Development                              219
        Course of Action Analysis (Wargaming)                     220
        Course of Action Comparison and Decision                  221
        Plan or Order Development                                 222
        Transition                                                222
        CHAPTER 12

        FUTURE NAVY                                               223

        Understanding Global Imperatives                          224
        Force and Force Structure                                 226
        Future SLN Fleet                                          228
        Network Enable Capability                                 229
        Maritime Intelligence                                     230
        Maritime Aerial Surveillance                              231
        Naval Aviation                                            233
        Defence Budget and Expenditure                            234
        Strategic Planning and Management Process                 234
        Future Trends                                             235
        The Road Map Towards - SLN 2025                           236

                                                To Nurture a Stable Environment at Sea  xii
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