Page 13 - MDSL Final
P. 13

        Network Centric Operations                                138
        Attributes of Maritime Force                              139
               Access                                             140
               Mobility                                           140
               Versatility                                        140
               Sustainability                                     140
               Resilience                                         141
               Poise                                              142
               Lift Capacity                                      142
        Role of the Sri Lanka Navy                                144
               The Military Role                                  145
                       Military Role from the Sea
                       (Power Projection)                         145
                       Military Role at Sea (Sea Control)         149
               The Diplomatic Role                                154
               The Constabulary Role                              159
        Maritime Power in Sri Lankan Context                      164

        CHAPTER 10

        THE ENABLERS OF MARITIME POWER                            168
        Organisation                                              168
        Sri Lanka Coast Guard                                     170
        Technical and Logistic Support                            171
               Technical Support                                  173
               Logistic Support                                   177
        Principles of Logistics                                   180
        Shore Support                                             183
        Reach and Sustainment                                     183
        Chartered Shipping                                        183
        Function of Technical and Logistic Support -
        Centre of Gravity                                         184
        Diving and Salvage Unit                                   184
        Research and Development Unit (RDU)                       185
        Naval Armament Department (NAD) and Sub Units             187
        Cyber Security Cell (CSC)                                 188
        Directorate of Naval Design (DND)                         188
        Naval Boat Building Yard (NBBY)                           189

                                                To Nurture a Stable Environment at Sea  x
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