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               The Baseline                                       110
               Internal Waters                                    111
               Archipelagic Waters                                111
               The Territorial Sea                                112
               The Contiguous Zone                                112
               The Exclusive Economic Zone                        113
               The Continental Shelf                              114
               The High Seas                                      115
               The Area                                           116
        Key Features of the United Nations Convention on
        the Law of the Sea 1982                                   116
        Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against
        the Safety of Maritime Navigation – 1988                  119
        The International Ship and Port Facility Security Code    120
        Rules of Engagement                                       120
        Hot Pursuit                                               121
        Sovereign Immunity                                        121
        Legal Basis for the Sri Lanka                             121
        Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of
        Maritime Navigation Act, No 42 of 2000                    122
        Maritime Zones Law No. 22 of 1976                         122
        Historic Waters                                           123
        The Boundary Agreements                                   124

        CHAPTER 9
        MARITIME POWER                                            1  2  6

        Concepts of Maritime Power                                126
        Employment of Maritime Power                              127
               Sea Control                                        128
               Sea Denial                                         131
               Disputed Sea Control                               131
               Fleet in Being                                     132
               Maritime Power Projection                          132
        The Maritime Domain                                       134
        Maritime Domain Awareness                                 134

        ix   To Nurture a Stable Environment at Sea
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