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        is on achieving the safety and timely removal of national and dispersed
        persons. In SPE protective operation safeguard the process.

                LTTE launched one of its deadliest attacks against the
                strategic Army base at Mullaitivu on 17th July 1996 and
                many naval units were rushed from the North and the
                East to  provide NGFS  and  prevent any reinforcement
                to the enemy. There was no communication with the
                besieged Army camp which  had  sustained  severe
                damages. Initially on 18th July SLN was tasked to facilitate
                amphibious landings to reinforce the Mullaitivu camp but
                due to rough sea conditions and heavy enemy resistance
                the amphibious task force aborted the landing. Though
                the next day a few landings were possible under enemy
                resistance, by 22nd July the Navy was tasked to plan and
                evacuate  the  remaining  troops  from  Mullaitivu  which
                was successfully carried out by the LCMs.

        Conflict Prevention

        Conflict  prevention  activities  are  generally  conducted  in  accordance
        with Chapter VI of UN Charter. They range from diplomatic initiative to
        preventive  deployments  of  forces  intended  to  prevent  disputes  from
        escalating into armed conflicts or from spreading. Conflict prevention
        can also include fact finding missions, consultations, warnings, inspection
        and monitoring. Preventive deployments will normally need to possess
        sufficient deterrent capability to avoid a conflict and will therefore seek
        to overmatch the characters.

        Peace Enforcement Operations

        These are coercive in nature and normally undertaken under Chapter VII
        (threat to international peace and security) of the UN Charter, when the
        consent of any of the major parties to the conflict is uncertain.

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