Page 168 - MDSL Final
P. 168

        Military Role at Sea

        Intelligence Collection and Surveillance

        Intelligence  collection,  surveillance  and  environment  assessment
        gathering  activities  are  conducted  during  all  operations  and  have
        obvious  application  to  national  requirements  outside  conflicts;  they
        are vital enablers in maritime combat. Comprehensive intelligence and
        surveillance are fundamental to the generation of the degree of battle
        space awareness that will necessary to seize and maintain the initiative
        and achieve battle space dominance. All maritime units can contribute to
        the development of this awareness and exploit its products space-based
        and over the horizon surveillance and intelligence collection systems.
        Shore  based  processing,  production  and  dissemination  systems  also
        play a vital role, particularly in the provision of prompting information
        allows forces to be concentrated and focused against a particular threat
        or target.

        Surveillance is necessary for development of MDA, as required for various
        missions. Surveillance by warships and maritime reconnaissance/patrol
        aircraft is primarily undertaken through their integral sensors like radars
        (including early warning radars) and Electronic Support Measures (ESM).


        These are the operations conducted to provide support to less powerful
        units or detached elements in order to provide security to the detached
        units out at sea. Covering forces may require positioning within reach of
        the units needing protection; the cover may also be exercised effectively
        through the simple threat of intervention.

        Maritime Strike and Interdiction

        Combat operations are conducted against an adversary’s combat and
        logistics  shipping  for  either  a  direct  strategic  effect  or  to  meet  and
        operational or tactical aim. Interdiction of adversary’s maritime forces,
        to  prevent  their  sea  control,  sea  denial  or  power  projection  can  be
        conducted from the sea or from the land and can be directed against

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