Page 172 - MDSL Final
P. 172

        Media operations allow decision makers to consider how international
        audiences  will  perceive an internal conflict  and  even to effect in  the
        manner in which the discussion about a particular operation is possible
        within the limits of legality and morality.
        Suitable integration of media with regard to naval/military operations
        forms  an  important  component  of  Information  Warfare.  During  an
        operation, media influences public opinion at home, in the adversary
        country  and  in  the  international  community.  It  thereby  impacts
        significantly on the course of the operation in many ways. A supportive
        public  opinion  at  home  reflected  in  the  media  is  particularly  critical
        for morale of the maritime forces. Good media reportage also seeks
        to  disseminate  factual  information  to  counter  deception  and  PSYOPS
        of the adversary. Lately, the advances in communications technology
        have further enhanced the role of media in armed conflict. Images of
        the conflict are now available in homes through mass communication
        networks, some of these virtually in real-time. While the operational
        commander  would  need  to  provide  a  clear,  confident  and  credible
        message to the media even the broad contours of operational objectives;
        the imperatives of security would need to be balanced with the benefits
        of factual reporting.

                The  Media  Centre  for  National  Security  (MCNS)  was
                established during the war in May 2006 at a time when
                public was practically depending on the false LTTE media
                campaigns. It was established for the specific purpose of
                disseminating all national security and defence-related
                information and data to the media and the public from
                one co-coordinated centre. It was pivotal in providing
                accurate information and disproving false propaganda
                of those who were aiming to discredit the Nation. Media
                coordinators of all three armed forces, the Police and
                Special  Task  Force,  attached  to  the  Joint  Operations
                Headquarters  (JOH)  liaised  with  field  formations  to
                collect and disseminate information.

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