Page 180 - MDSL Final
P. 180


            The  Oceans  and  Coastal  resources  of  the  Sri  Lanka  are
            currently  facing  three  types  of  separate  but,  interactive
            threats.  The  first  is  pollution  from  both  land  and  sea-
            based sources, which causes direct damage to specialized
            ecosystem such as mangroves, coral reefs and sea grasses
            whilst weakening the ability of marine plants and animals
            to survive. The second is a direct threat to the biomass and
            ecological balance of the marine environment through over
            fishing and unsustainable extraction of resources. The third
            threat is from the direct  physical damage  to coastal and
            marine ecosystem from urban development activities.
            Sri Lanka is one of the leading nations that has ratified almost
            forty-one  international  conventions,  agreements,  treaties
            and protocols  related to environment. Therefore,  it is a
            national obligation for the country to protect and conserve
            the environment.

            SLN  being  the  ideal  organisation  to  address  such  issues
            having the unique  character,  resources  and  capabilities
            to undertake  special projects with the aim to establish a
            sustainable marine environment.
                   Some of the projects undertaken by SLN are:

                       •  Mangrove plantation.
                       •  Forestry tree plantation.
                       •  Conservation of underwater marine sites.
                       •  Coral plantation and conservation.
                       •  Beach cleaning programmes.
                       •  Dumping control.
                       •  Legitimate fishing activities.
                       •  Conservation of Turtles.

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