Page 176 - MDSL Final
P. 176


                          SLN Divers Engaged in a Salvage Operation

        Non-combatant Evacuation Operations (NEO)

        There are increasing numbers of Sri Lankan citizens who work and reside
        in various parts of the world. They are important contributors to the
        progress of their countries of residence as well as to Sri Lanka. In view of
        insecurity and instability in some parts of the world, Sri Lankan citizens
        there may require to be evacuated under arrangements and control of
        the Government of Sri Lanka, which could be done by civil or military
        means, by land, air or sea. The SLN may be tasked with undertaking such
        NEO as part of its diplomatic role.

        Assistance to Foreign Nations

        Missions  in  the  diplomatic  role  also  entail  provision  of  maritime
        assistance and support to friendly states. This may be in the form of
        evacuation operations, delivering of material aid, maritime patrols for
        augmenting stability and security and maritime intervention operations.
        In addition to above, goodwill visits of war ships and exercises, assistance
        with training of other international maritime forces will enhance mutual

        Peace Building Operations

        Peace  building  covers  actions  that  support  political,  economic,  social
        and military measures and structures, aimed to strengthen and solidify
        political settlements in order to address the causes of conflict.

                                                To Nurture a Stable Environment at Sea  157
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