Page 181 - MDSL Final
P. 181


             Activities Conducted by SLN to Protect and Preserve Marine Environment

        Aid to Civil Power

        Naval operations to provide military assistance to the civil power are
        usually aimed at supporting domestic law enforcement at sea and land
        with in national jurisdictions.
        Quarantine Enforcement

        SLN conducts operations to enforce quarantine regulations in Sri Lanka
        to prevent landing on Sri Lankan shores by unauthorized foreign vessels,
        which  could  not  detected inadvertently  release  plants, animal  and
        human disease.

        Protection of Offshore Assets

        Protection  of  Sri  Lanka’s  offshore  assets  from  seaborne  attack  is  an
        assignment of the SLN, which would require deployment of naval ships
        and attaining local sea control. The air defence of the off-shore assets is
        the responsibility of the new naval air surveillance unit in collaboration
        with SLAF. However, naval ships deployed for protection would assist in

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