Page 179 - MDSL Final
P. 179


                          SLN Conducting a SAR Exercise with SLAF

        Conservation  and  Protection  of  Living,  Non-living  Resources  and
        Marine Environment

        Today  is  an  era  of  extending  jurisdiction  and  increasing  exploitation
        which resulted in creating huge stress on living and non-living resources
        in both coastal and high seas. The resource protection task has extended
        considerably in recent past to include the surveillance and protection of
        offshore industries and the monitoring of the natural environmental and
        the actions of humans within it. In this endeavour, ensuringcompliance
        with  international  and  regional  conventions/treaties/agreements  on
        prevention  and  conservation  of  marine  resources  are  entrusted  to
        maritime forces.

        160  To Nurture a Stable Environment at Sea
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