Page 218 - MDSL Final
P. 218

        Sri Lanka Navy Hydrographic Service (SLNHS)

        On  13th  March  1984,  as  a  national  effort,  the  National  Hydrography
        Office  (NHO)  was  established  under  the  National  Aquatic  Resources
        Agencies (NARA) with the Navy’s hydrography equipment, and the SLN
        as a partner to head the operational branch.

        SLN re-activated the hydrography capabilities in an integrated approach,
        which  will  be  beneficial  to  the  nation.  The  SLNHS  will  provide  value
        to defence establishments of Sri Lanka by delivering the hydrographic
        services, which enables SLN, Department of SLCG and other defence
        organisations  to  undertake  current  and  potential  future  operational
        tasks in times of peace, crisis including emergencies or war. Accordingly it
        will work with the Ministry of Defence to define and develop continually
        improved nautical products and services for military use, especially by
        integrating the modern technological advances in the process of making
        digital products instead of its traditional paper charts and publications
        within  Sri  Lanka’s  jurisdiction.  It  will  also  take  appropriate  actions  to
        satisfy international obligations under SOLAS convention assuring safe
        passage for the vessels and other marine activities in Sri Lanka’s waters.
        Since SLNHS is equipped with state of the art equipment, technologies
        and  professional  human  resource,  SLNHS  will  continue  to  provide
        assistance  to  stakeholder  governmental  institutions/organisations
        to  meet  national  demands.  SLN  intends  to  extend  its  expertise  to
        institutions like Universities, Telecom and Petroleum Corporation thus
        pooling the resources for better productivity.

           Chief Hydrographer Handing Over First Survey Chart to Commander of the Navy
                                        in 2019

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