Page 222 - MDSL Final
P. 222

        Operational warfare at and from the sea is the only means of orchestrating
        and  tying  together  naval  tactical  actions  within  a  larger  design  that
        directly contributes to the objectives set by strategy. A tactical concept
        for  the  employment  of  one’s  maritime  forces  cannot  lead  to  victory
        if  it  is  not  an  integral  part  of  a  broader  operational  concept.  Sound
        sequencing and synchronisation of all military and non-military sources
        of power are necessary to accomplish strategic or operational objectives
        in a given maritime theatre through planning and execution of maritime
        campaigns and major naval operations.

        Navy Planning Overview

        Navy planning is a comprehensive process that facilitates commanders
        and staffs at all levels to make informed decisions, solve multifaceted
        problems  and  ultimately  achieve  assigned  missions.  Navy  planning
        is critical at every level of warfare (strategic, operational and tactical)
        and across the range of military operations, regardless of the adversary
        or threat. Military planning can be applied whether conditions permit
        a  lengthy,  deliberate  process  or  if  the  situation  forces  a  compressed
        timeline.  Furthermore,  military  planning  is  also  applicable  to  the  full
        range of military operations where the adversary, for planning purposes,
        may be an environmental condition.

        Navy planning is the process by which a commander envisages an end
        state as well as the arrangement of potential actions in time and space
        that will allow the realisation of that future. Planning is a way of figuring
        out how to move from the current state to a more desirable future state.
        Specifically,  planning  helps  commanders  and  staffs  formulate  ways
        to  coordinate  the  actions  of  a  force,  generate  a  common  situational
        awareness and develop expectations as to how the dynamic interaction
        of forces will affect the outcome of an operation. Most of all, planning
        is essential to a commander because it aids in handling the complexities
        in the operational environment (OE) and the numerous uncertainties
        inherent in warfare. Planning involves projecting our thoughts forward
        in  time  and  space  to  influence  events  before  they  occur  rather  than
        merely responding to events as they occur.

        202  To Nurture a Stable Environment at Sea
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