Page 223 - MDSL Final
P. 223

        Operational Art and Design

        Operations  Planning,  provides  an  in-depth  study  of  the  elements  of
        operational design. Operational design is the conception and construction
        of the framework that underpins a campaign or a major operation plan
        and its subsequent execution. It forms the basis for military planning
        and is translated into actions by the use of another key concept, namely
        operational art.
        Operational art is defined as the cognitive approach by commanders
        and staffs-supported by their skill, knowledge, experience, creativity and
        judgment-to develop strategies, campaigns and operations to organise
        and employ military forces by integrating ends, ways, means and risk.
        Operational  art  requires  broad  vision  and  the  ability  to  anticipate.
        It considers the arrangement and employment of both  friendly and
        adversary  forces  and  other  capabilities  in  time,  space  and  purpose.
        Moreover, to understand operational art, the commander can think of
        military planning as having aspects of both science and art.

        One other point that must be remembered is that while the process is
        important, the product or outcome of the planning is even more vital.
        Military directives, including plans and orders, are the principal output
        that commanders use to communicate the decisions reached through
        the planning process. These military directives may be formal, informal,
        written, or oral, depending on the time available and the complexity
        of the situation. Operational art serves as a theoretical framework that
        underpins the operational concept and, if properly understood, facilitates
        a common understanding throughout  the command.  This  common
        understanding of the operational art framework allows for subordinate
        commanders to more clearly identify their role in the operation and to
        seize a fleeting opportunity as it presents itself.

        Navy Planning and Mission Command
        Contemporary naval forces  encourage  commanders to operate
        independently  while  following  their  superior  commander’s  intent;
        to act when an opportunity presents itself and to feel comfortable in
        conditions of uncertainty. These are attributes honed by mutual trust

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