Page 270 - MDSL Final
P. 270


        Interdiction  operations  will  be  conducted  to  divert,  disrupt,  or  destroy  the  enemy
        before inflict damages to friendly forces.

        Interest Based Conflict

        A conflict arising from a dispute over trade, resources, international or regional status
        is considered to be interest based.


        The ability to operate in synergy in the execution of assigned tasks. The condition
        achieved  among  communication-electronics  systems  or  items  of  communication-
        selectronics equipment when information or services can be exchanged directly and
        satisfactorily between them and/or their users. The degree of interoperability should
        be defined when referring to specific cases.

        Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment (JIPOE)
        JIPOE  is  a  product  of  Intelligence  Staff  Estimate.  Most  important  portions  of  the
        estimate enemy’s objectives, respective (COG) and enemy’s most likely and dangerous
        COA. All planners need a basic familiarity with the IPOE process in order to become
        critical consumers of the products produced by the intelligence community.

        Layered Defence
        Operations conducted by maritime forces, including as it does the method of convoy.
        Escorts, generally surface or airborne, provide warning and weapon coverage against
        air, surface or underwater threats by acting as moving screens around the high value
        unit or units to be protected.

        Lift Capacity
        Capacity to support to deploy, withdraw, maintain, and reinforce military capabilities
        and requirements.

        Limited War
        This is a cold war term and was principally used to distinguish international conflict in
        which it was thought there would be no way out to nuclear weapons.

        250  To Nurture a Stable Environment at Sea
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