Page 267 - MDSL Final
P. 267

        Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)

        A maritime zone adjacent to the territorial sea that may not extended beyond 200
        nautical  miles  from  the  base  line  from  which  the  breadth  of  the  territorial  sea  is

        Fleet in Being
        Concept involves the advantage a weaker power has of avoiding a head on confrontation
        with  a stronger power by forcing  the stronger power to  divert valuable  resources
        to contain it. Thus, a Fleet in Being can compel the enemy to concentrate its forces,
        against its will, in a valuable area; or around valuable units; or cause him to route its
        passage to its disadvantage; or to amend its operational plans.


        The capacity to adapt plans to take account of unforeseen circumstances to ensure
        success in the face of friction, unexpected resistance, or setbacks, or to capitalise on
        unexpected opportunities.

        Conduct of war requires flexibility of thoughts. Thus, success will be determined on the
        ability in adaptation, proactively shaping the events to own advantage and reacting to
        constantly changing conditions.

        Fog of War

        Uncertainty  and  confusion  generated  in  wartime  by  a  combination  of  limited,
        incomplete, inaccurate and contradictory information, deliberate deception and the
        mayhem and stress caused by combat.

        Fragile Peace
        In a situation following a conflict; if the basic causes and effects have not been fully
        dealt with or restored, the peace that exists will be fragile and will demand careful
        steps to rebuild and consolidate.


        Friction is the element that amalgamates to form the atmosphere of war and turn
        into a medium which hampers activity. Simply it is a struggle between two or more
        opposing concepts or wills.

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