Page 28 - MDSL Final
P. 28

        National values evolve from a nation’s, history and culture. The national
        aim  of  Sri  Lanka  is  derived  and  explained  from  the  Constitution  of
        Democratic  Socialist  Republic  of  Sri  Lanka  and  amplified  through
        political directions. The combination of national values and national aim
        gives shape to National Interests which in turn determine the National
        Security Objectives.

        National Security Policy is formulated by viewing the national security
        objectives and the components of national power in the domestic and
        global environment both prevailing and predicted. It provides the policy
        guidelines development of strategies in the exercise of national power.

        National  Strategy  is  the  plan  for  employment  of  various  tools  and
        instruments of national power in accordance with the national security
        policy, to achieve the desired national security objectives in support of
        national interests.

        National Values

        Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka recognises Freedom, Equality,
        Justice and fundamental Human Rights as core national values based on
        the constitution.

        National Aim and Interests

        National Aim

        National  aim  provides  the  basis  for  defining  national  interests.  Sri
        Lanka’s national aim is derived from the Constitution, is the ‘creation
        and  preservation  of  a  just  and  free  society  guaranteeing  the  dignity
        and  wellbeing  of  succeeding  generations,  with  unhindered  economic
        progress,  social  and  cultural  order  attained,  the  unity  of  the  country
        restored and concord established with other nations. ‘

        10   To Nurture a Stable Environment at Sea
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